Plan ahead of time which classes you will attend. If you are unsure of whether or not a class is for you, sit in the back of the class so you can leave and go to another class without being disruptive.
Bring a small kit and practice head if you have one.
Bring a dark towel and washcloth for cleaning up.
Bring address labels and business cards. You can use the address labels instead of writing out your address when making purchases with vendors.
Vendors often offer an opening night special that will not be available for the remainder of the show, so be sure to see what everyone has to offer and take advantage of the best deals.
If you are driving to the show, bring a cooler with snacks and sandwich supplies to keep your food costs down.
Don't be afraid to approach vendors or instructors with questions. They are there to teach and are more than happy to spend time with you.
Some of the best tips and ideas come from other attendees. Be sure to go to the evening jams and see how everyone else works.